The Elin Kling Series: Future

Elin Kling is Sweden’s most popular style personality. Today she lives in New York with her family. In addition to being part of the STYLEBY team, she runs her own fashion brand, which she co-founded with her husband, Karl Lindman. We’ve conducted a series of personal interviews with Elin about family, friendship, fashion and the future. Enjoy this intimate look at Elin with questions coming from her nearest and dearest.

The Elin Kling Series: Future

Lena Patriksson, founder of Patriksson Communications, talks with Elin Kling about her fashionable future.

What would Elin Kling today tell Elin Kling in 2010? “Trust your intuition. Have the courage to decide where to go and what to do without having to reflect too much. Many roads lead to the same destination and nothing ever turns out the way you thought it would. But I am proud of the choices ‘Elin 2010’ made. That was around the birth of STYLEBY when curiosity and gumption took me to where I am today.”

You are associated with Swedish minimalism and modernism. Where do you think Swedish fashion will be internationally in five years? “Sweden has a strong style though we should always question things and continue to be innovative. This is important for future generations and creators. Global success and expansion will contribute to national borders being erased. At the same time, I believe that we are in need of a backlash – it’s important that we cherish our local sources when it comes to all kinds of production. Smaller brands have the ability to reach a wide audience today thanks to the internet, which makes them a player in big markets as well – I find this very exciting.”

How do you reflect on all your current roles: digital media personality, magazine maker, brand founder and mother in a big international city? “It’s natural and modern to work in more ways than one, especially when it comes to fashion. It gives me a unique advantage when the borders blur between digital and traditional media, PR and advertising. Why a customer chooses one product over another interests me. It is something I am constantly analyzing in my different roles. Being a working mother in New York is obviously a challenge, but Liv has made me realize that I should only do the things I’m really passionate about. Everything else is not important.”

You were an early pioneer in the blogging industry. You started your own brand and worked with external collaborations. Do you think we will we see more of this in the future? “The fashion industry will experience big changes; everyone is trying to figure the next big thing. The creative directors of the big fashion brands have become celebrities, and they can be seen hanging out with people from the entertainment business. News travels faster than ever thanks to social media channels like Instagram and Snapchat. The fashion industry was known for being very slow previously. As a brand, there’s a lot to gain by being able to communicate quickly and directly with customers without an intermediary. With this in mind, I think a blogger has the chance for success as long as the content is genuine.

Millennials are all about motion media, such as YouTube. Why do you think the fashion industry has been slow to catch on? “I think it has to do with the fact that this type of media, such as YouTube, isn’t exclusive enough for the fashion industry. Many brands are fixated on the word luxury and the idea of exclusivity. I think that the industry is working hard to make up for lost time on this matter.”

Where will STYLEBY be in five years? “A magazine, or any media, constantly has to look for ways to develop and inspire their customers. Today, we receive information from all directions. This helps you become unique and carve out your niche even stronger. Trust is the key in being able to develop and adapt within a company. It opens you up to new directions such as e-commerce, events or bespoke customer solutions. In the future successful magazines will be even more niched with thinner target groups, while still reaching a large amount of readers in a global market.”

We are in what we call the fourth industrial revolution – how will this affect the fashion industry moving forward? “The fashion world will find their own channels to communicate with their customers. Global trends will slowly be erased as traditional fashion shows won’t have the same influence as they previously had. Technology will make it possible to produce large quantities at a lower price, but also make it possible to produce one-of-a-kind pieces in bulk amounts. Luxury, in its original meaning, will become very important for those who can afford to pay for handcrafted, tradition and quality.”

Interviewer: Lena Patriksson, founder of Patriksson Communications

Photo Matthew Sprout