The Elin Kling Series: Friendship

Elin Kling is Sweden’s most popular style personality. Today she lives in New York with her family. In addition to being part of the STYLEBY team she runs her own fashion brand, which she co-founded with her husband, Karl Lindman. We’ve conducted a series of personal interviews with Elin Kling about family, friendship, fashion and the future. Enjoy this intimate look at Elin Kling with questions coming from her nearest and dearest.

The Elin Kling Series: Friendship

Linn Hägglund, Elin Kling's best friend, talks friendship with Elin.

Has your move to New York effected your friendships? “It’s odd. Five years in New York hasn’t really made a difference in our friendship. We speak every day and there’s no one that makes me feel at home more than you and your family – even when we haven’t seen each other for months. We have such a close relationship, constantly updating each other on everything. There’s no need for long catch-ups, everything just is. It’s great.”

Why do you think you’re my best friend? “I think that I inspire you to believe in yourself and what you do. Everyone needs one of those sidekicks in their life! A mentor to give you confidence and support – and you have always been that person for me. But you’re also someone I trust. We tell each other the truth which isn’t necessarily what you always want to hear. We also share the same humour and complete each other in many different ways.”

What is the craziest memory from our friendship? “There’s plenty. But if dig deep in my archive I think it’d have to be that weekend you visited me in New York for the first time. I was a lost single gal having an amazing New York summer. We spent a seventy-two-hour weekend together that included everything you’d want to experience with your best friend in Manhattan.”

Interviewer: Elin Kling's best friend Linn Hägglund, stylist

Photo Matthew Sprout